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Unity May, 2016
May Day is observed every year worldwide, on 1st May, in commemoration of the Haymarket
Affair of 4th May 1886 in Chicago, United States of America, in 1886. Police firing on a peaceful gathering of
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Unity January, 2016
At first sight the "Make in India" campaign appears innocuous, a pipe-dream perhaps but a rather harmless one. If the world's big companies come to "make" things...
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The End of An Era
"Water, water, everywhere,and all the boards did shrink;Water, water, everywhere, Nor any drop to drink."
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Unity June, 2015
The North Eastern Circle in its pursuit to pass on significant monetary benefits to its
members in the form of Personal Allowances has marked an unprecedented
achievement by enabling around 1200 mem
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Unity January, 2015
Fraud is a significant threat facing entities everywhere, Globally, regulatory bodies as as associations are driving awareness among organizations through multiple initiatives. The Association of Cert
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Unity August, 2014
The Dictionary definition of Discipline is to fix incorrect behavior or create better skill it has its roots right from the primitive stages of Civilization which in fact can be constructed as the bac
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Unity May,2014
Most people living in India Know about International Workers' Day May Day. For many others, there is an assumption that it is a holiday celebrated in state communist countries like Cuba or the former